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Academic and Related Policies
Honours standing is awarded to students in any of the degree programs who, in each year of their program, maintain a grade point average of 80% with no mark less than 70%.
Aegrotat standing is the granting of credit for a course in which either the required final examination was not taken, or the required final paper was not submitted. The grade is therefore based on an evaluation of work completed during the semester. Aegrotat standing may be granted by the Faculty only for a student who has been unable to fulfil the requirement for documented medical or compassionate reasons. This standing may be denied by the Faculty when there is insufficient criteria on which to base a grade.
A+ 90-100 B+ 77-79 C+ 67-69 D 60-61
A 85-89 B 74-76 C 64-66 F 59 and below
A- 80-84 B- 70-73 C- 62-63
Inc(Incomplete) Aud(Audited) Aeg(Aegrotat) DR(Dropped) DRF(Dropped Fail)
NOTE: No final course grade below 60% may be counted toward the M.Div., M.T.S., B.Th. or B.Th. by Distance degree programs.
A well-written paper is a combination of an accurate, succinct exposition of the hypothesis formed on the basis of relevant data, and balanced and plausible arguments supporting the hypothesis. What is essential is evidence of:
(i) care in reading and analyzing the issues and data
(ii) a critical assessment of the data and any hypotheses that have been advanced on that data
(iii) a creative and thoughtful interaction between the issues and the student.
Assignments vary as do instructors and courses. It is imperative that students understand what is permitted and required of them for any given assignment (i.e., primary sources, secondary sources, commentaries, personal reflection) and adhere strictly to the specific instructions. It is the students responsibility to clarify the task with their instructor beforehand, if they are at all unclear. A portion of any grade (10-15%) will be awarded for proper presentation (i.e., style, referencing, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.).
A+ 90-100 Exceptional. Evidence of original thought; material entirely relevant; critical analysis; critical and comprehensive account of material; hypotheses plausibly and clearly presented and defended; mastering of pertinent and appropriate issues as pertaining to the various disciplines, impeccable style, referencing and presentation.
A 85-89 Outstanding. Concise and precise account of the issues; critical and careful analysis; hypotheses plausibly and clearly presented and defended; firm grasp of pertinent and appropriate issues as pertaining to the various disciplines.
A- 80-84 Excellent. Accurate account of issues; careful analysis; critical reasoning in evidence; good grasp of pertinent and appropriate issues as pertaining to the various disciplines. Improvements: more precision in argumentation and more attention to fine detail and nuance.
B+ 77-79 Superior. Generally accurate account of issues; good analysis; some critical reasoning in evidence. Improvements: a more concise or precise discussion of issues; more attention to detail; better use of arguments.
B 74-76 Very Good. Generally accurate account of issues and details; acceptable analysis with some critical reasoning in evidence. Improvements: more concise or precise discussion of issues; more attention to detail; better use of arguments.
B- 70-73 Good. Generally accurate description of the data and an adequate grasp of the critical issues involved. Improvements: more attention of detail, greater precision of argumentation, better use of critical data.
C+ 67-69 Fair. Generally acceptable treatment of the data; some grasp of the issues, but imprecise or unclear at points; some evidence of critical reflection on issues and data. Improvements: clarity in expression; better use of critical data; greater attention to detail.
C 64-66 Adequate. Generally acceptable treatment of the data and issues, but impressionistic and vague at points; lack of clarity in the elucidation of arguments; little or no evidence of critical reflection on the issues or data. Improvements: clarity in expression; better use of critical data; greater attention to detail.
C- 62-63 Minimally Acceptable. Adequate treatment of the data and issues, but imprecise, impressionistic or vague; serious lack of clarity in the expression of issues; no evidence of critical thinking on the issues or data. Improvements: evidence of critical thinking; clarity in expression; better use of critical data; greater attention to detail
D 60-61 Inadequate. Sloppy, imprecise or careless discussion of the issues with little or no evidence of critical thinking. Improvements: more discussion of the issues; evidence of critical thinking; clarity in expression; better use of critical data; greater attention to detail.
F 59 and below Failure. Does not meet the minimum requirements.
Directed Studies should not be used to replace courses available in the College’s curriculum. They should only be used when a course is needed to meet a degree requirement in the last semester of a student’s degree program and the course has not between offered in the previous two semesters. Details concerning the College’s policy on these courses and the appropriate forms are available from the General Office. Faculty Advisors will guide students with course selection to ensure they meet degree requirements.
In all academic papers and classroom conversations, Queen’s College is committed to the use of language that respects the equal dignity and worth of all human beings.
Plagiarism is “the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his/her writing, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of his/her own mind” (from H. C. Black, Black’s Law Dictionary, (5th ed.; West Publishing Co., 1979).
Plagiarism is a form of cheating, a serious academic offence and is also a moral offence. Any “catchphrase”, idea or thesis unique to a particular author, along with anything more than 3-5 consecutive words, must be cited.
1. For most first offences, depending on the severity or degree, students will be required to rewrite the paper, with late penalties assessed at the discretion of the instructor.
2. For a subsequent offence, depending on its severity, the student will receive a failing grade for the course and may be required to withdraw from the program.
1. Minor offences will be handled between the instructor and the student.
2. Serious (or repeated) offences in a given course will be reported to the Provost, who may consult with Faculty regarding circumstances and proposed penalty. A decision with respect to the penalty will be communicated to the student within five working days of the Provost receiving the report.
3. Normal appeal procedures apply.
4. Students may be required to seek academic assistance. The student may also request other appropriate support services.
5. All serious offences will also be addressed in the normal evaluation process for those students sponsored for ordination or other forms of ministerial training.
Queen’s College Policy on Academic Integrity
QUEEN’S COLLEGE POLICY ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY and matters pertaining to research methods are explained in two narrated slideshows at the following links
Research Methods Session 1.
Research Methods Session 2.
Students are advised within the first two weeks of the semester of the due dates for all written assignments. All written assignments must be completed before a final grade is given in a course (see Academic Policy regarding an ‘Incomplete Grade’). It is expected that all written assignments will be completed on time.
The only legitimate reason for a late assignment is an extenuating circumstance such as serious personal illness, or the serious illness or death of an immediate family member. Requests for such an extension must be made one week before the original deadline, in writing, on forms provided by the office, with appropriate documentation provided (e.g., a doctor’s note). If an extension is granted, a new due date will be assigned.
Course instructors will consider the appropriateness of each request and the perceived fairness of any extension on other students registered in the course. All extensions require the approval of both the course instructor and the Provost.
If an assignment is late (and an extension has not been granted), the assignment will be subject to a penalty of 5% of its total value per day.
Example of How Lateness Affects Grade for Assignments
Highest Possible Grade for assignment | ||||||
Original Value of Assignment in Syllabus | Submitted on time | 1 day late | 2 days late | 3 days late | 4 days late | 5 days late |
10 | 10 | 9.5 | 9 | 8.5 | 8 | 7.5 |
30 | 30 | 28.5 | 27 | 25.5 | 24 | 22.5 |
50 | 50 | 47.5 | 45 | 42.5 | 40 | 37 |
It is entirely within an instructor’s discretion to decide on the acceptable manner for the submission of course work (i.e. typed, hand written, electronic, etc.)
Digital / electronic submissions of work are guided by the same regulations as those that are submitted in hard copy. That is to say that they are to include the name of the student and other relevant information that may be requested by the instructor (i.e. instructor’s name, course #, etc.) on the actual assignment. All papers, hard copy or electronic, will be graded as received.
Any disagreements regarding the time of submission will be settled by the date displayed by the M.U.N. server. Students who choose to e-mail their assignments are responsible to see that the correct assignment is attached. E-mails without attachments or incorrect attachments will be deemed as late, and will receive the normative penalty determined by when the correct assignment is received.
Students who, at the end of any semester or internship, do not complete any course for which they are registered will receive the Grade “F.” For good cause an incomplete grade may, with the approval of the Faculty, be submitted. This incomplete grade is, however, valid for only one week following the commencement of lectures in the following academic semester as stated in the College’s calendar. In no situation, where an incomplete grade has been given, shall the time exceed thirty days from the last day of classes of the semester in which the incomplete grade has been given until the outstanding course requirements are completed. (This applies especially to the winter semester.) In the event that a mark has not been received by the Administrative Assistant within this deadline, the incomplete grade shall be changed to “F.”
An extension, not exceeding the end of the semester following that in which the incomplete grade was given, may be permitted by the Faculty upon a written request from the student concerned. In special circumstances, students registered in the College’s Parish Internship program may be given such an extension when, for reasons outside their control, they are unable to fulfil all of the requirements of that program.
Students should note that work submitted late, without prior written approval by the instructor, is required for the completion of the course, even if it is so late as to not be counted toward the final grade.
- It is the right of every student who is dissatisfied with a grade given during the semester to initiate an appeal. Failing resolution of this matter with the course instructor (prior to examination week), the matter may be appealed to the Faculty. The student should recognize that term-work grade appeals are only upheld when there are good reasons to support the student=s request for an elevated grade.
- The Faculty, either in full sitting or as an Executive, will decide on the merits of the appeal.
- If there are sufficient grounds for an appeal, the following information will be communicated to the student at the earliest possible opportunity:
- that the appeal has been regarded as justifiable
- that the Faculty, in full sitting or as an Executive, will request a reader competent in the subject matter to reread an unmarked copy of the paper
- that the identity of the reader is confidential to the Faculty
- that the decision of the reader with respect to the grade is final
- that a deposit of $50.00 must be posted with the appeal, which will be refunded if, in the opinion of the Reader, the grade should be raised. If the grade remains the same or is lowered, the deposit is forfeited to the College
- that the decision of the reader, and therefore of the College, will be communicated to the student as soon as possible after the decision is made.
- In case of a final course grade, the appeal is made to the Faculty through the Provost. At the final meeting of the Faculty each semester, final grades are submitted by course instructors to the Faculty for approval. These grades are approved by the Faculty and, therefore, become the property of the Faculty. It is then that the final grades are released to students. Course instructors cannot change final grades after the faculty’s approval. Students must then appeal to the Faculty to change the grade. Students have 10 days from the date of the final Faculty Meeting to make such an appeal.
Credit will be transferred from an accredited institution if it can appropriately be applied to a degree program and has not been credited toward a degree at another school. No transfer credit will be granted for any grade less than a “C.” Although credits transferred from another institution may be used to satisfy requirements in a specific program, a student may be required, at the discretion of the Faculty, to take additional work in that field. In the case of the M.Div. and B.Th. programs, students may apply to have not more than ten three-credit-hour courses transferred. In the case of the M.T.S. program, students may apply to have not more than five three-credit-hour courses transferred, and in the M.T.S. thesis option, not more than two. Student in the M.Th. program may apply to have three courses transferred. Students admitted to the B.Th. by Distance program may apply to have work done in the Education for Ministry (E.F.M.) program credited toward Phase I of that program; no more than ten two-credit-hour courses can be applied for this purpose. Any students wishing to have a greater number of credits transferred in any of these programs must make application to this end to the Provost.
In the case of transferring courses for credit at Queen’s College, emphasis is placed on both student-to-faculty interaction and peer-to-peer interaction.
A student who drops a course within two weeks following the first day of lectures in any semester will not be liable for tuition fees for that course. Tuition fee refunds for dropping courses after that period will be prorated in accordance with FEES AND CHARGES – Tuition Refunds Based on Withdrawal from Course(s).
In the case of sessions, accelerated courses, and courses offered outside the normal time frame of a semester or session, deadlines for dropping courses without financial liability will be prorated accordingly.
General Information
A student who drops all courses in any given semester will be considered to have withdrawn from the College for that semester. A student who has withdrawn from the College, before the start of classes in any semester, is deemed to be not registered for that semester.
- A withdrawal is not official until the Administrative Assistant has received official notification and certified the changes.
- Ceasing to attend classes, or informing an instructor of the intent to drop a course, does not constitute an official withdrawal.
Until the end of the second week following the first day of lectures in any semester, a student may, upon formal notification to the Provost, withdraw without academic prejudice. Courses dropped under these circumstances will not be entered on the student’s record.
From the beginning of the third week to the end of the seventh week following the first day of lectures in any semester as stated in the College Calendar, a student may, upon formal notification to the Provost, withdraw from the College without academic prejudice. The letter grade DR will be assigned to all courses in these circumstances.
From the beginning of the eighth week following the first day of lectures in any semester to the last day to add courses in the following semester as stated in the College Calendar, a student who is prevented from completing the semester by illness, bereavement, or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated in writing, may withdraw from the College without academic prejudice. This may occur only with the approval of the instructor and upon formal notification to the Provost. The letter grade DR will be assigned to all courses in these circumstances.
Students who withdraw from the College for medical reasons for one or more semesters may not be permitted to re-enter unless they can provide medical evidence, satisfactory to the Provost, of fitness to pursue studies.
Any student dropping courses except under the provisions outlined under Withdrawing Without Academic Prejudice will have the letter grade DRF (Dropped Fail) and a numeric grade of 0% entered on his or her record for each course withdrawal.
The Faculty reserves the right to require a student at the end of any semester either to withdraw from Queen’s College or to continue as a part‑time student, if professional and/or academic assessments warrant such action. A student who has been required to withdraw from any of the degree programs may apply for readmission after a period of two full years from the time of the required withdrawal.
A student may be required to withdraw from any of the degree programs at any time upon the recommendation of the Faculty, if the student is deemed unlikely to profit from continued attendance in the program. Any such action is subject to the right of an appeal by the student. This appeal shall be completed in writing, clearly stating the basis for the appeal and shall be directed in the first possible instance to the Provost of the College. The Provost will determine whether or not the merits of the appeal are sufficient to warrant a formal hearing before the Faculty.
Each student is expected to observe standards of conduct consistent with respect for the law, the fulfillment of contractual obligations, consideration of the rights of others and a high level of personal integrity. Queen’s College reserves the right to suspend or dismiss at any time, in accordance with established procedures, any student whose conduct is judged unacceptable.
All students must provide a Certificate of Conduct, issued within the past six months, with their application or reapplication forms. A letter explaining the reason for this request is available from the General Office. Any cost is the student’s responsibility. This policy applies to both new and returning students. All Certificates of Conduct will be kept confidential and will not be shared without the expressed consent of the person involved.
Students who are full-time in any degree program are assigned a Faculty Advisor at the beginning of each semester. It is the responsibility of students to consult regularly regarding academic and vocational development with their Faculty Advisor.
M.Div. and B.Th. and B.Th. by Distance students admitted to the ordination stream and are under the sponsorship of a bishop, will be evaluated within the Queen’s College Student Evaluation Framework. These evaluations are progressive from the start of the student’s full-time attendance to the completion of their program. These individual evaluations are confidential and shared with the student prior to sharing it with the diocesan bishop.
At the conclusion of the postulant’s M.Div. or B.Th. program the faculty will offer a recommendation regarding readiness for ordination. In no case will such a recommendation be made prior to two months before the student completes all requirements for graduation. The successful completion of the M.Div. or B.Th. degree program must not be understood by any postulant to be an assurance that the College will recommend her or him to a bishop for ordination. It should also be noted that the Faculty discourages the ordination of any postulant prior to the completion of his or her program.
In addition to the prescribed course of study, students in the M.Div. (ordination track) B.Th. and B.Th. by Distance programs are assigned Sunday duty in parishes in St. John’s and the surrounding area. In the case of second-year students, they may expect to preach once or twice, during a semester. Opportunity is also given for students to become familiar with the operation of the Sunday School and of other parish groups which meet on Sundays.
Students are also assigned to a venue of social outreach within the community.
Requests to register for more than five three-credit-hour courses must be approved by the Provost.
Every course requirement listed on a syllabus must be completed in order to receive credit for that course. This is especially true in regards to written assignments, group work or class presentations.
In keeping with A.T.S. regulations, attendance is mandatory in all courses (including non-credit courses i.e.
choir and Vocational Development Seminars). Normally no more than two classes per three-hour course (20% of the course) can be missed without penalty or loss of credit for the course. In extreme cases, a written appeal of this regulation may be made to the Faculty.
Where classes must be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances there is no automatic requirement that the class be made up. Where make-up classes are needed, they will be negotiated between the class, the instructor and the Provost. The main considerations in any make-up are the benefit of the students and the integrity of the course, especially where student presentations or material for which students will be held responsible on examinations are involved.
The Fall Gathering constitutes the first part of the fall semester and begins the process of community formation. All students are encouraged to attend the Fall Gathering. For all prospective postulants, postulants and ordinands, attendance is compulsory.
Students eligible for a degree or diploma are required to notify the general office in writing (letter or email) by December 1st of the year before they intend to graduate in order to be considered for Convocation. Faculty advisors or program directors must be consulted to determine eligibility. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the process.
Beginning in 2004, and subject to the limitations required by the Association of Theological Schools, a student who has completed two years of the Bachelor of Theology program full-time, with a cumulative GPA of at least 80%, may apply to transfer those credits to, and complete the final year as a student in, the Master of Divinity program.
Queen’s College Faculty of Theology courses and classes offered by webinar are often recorded for student and faculty member viewing and review. By your selection and registration for Queen’s College webinar course(s), you acknowledge that you consent to the audio and video recording of your image and voice in the classes of course(s) and the distribution to and sharing of any such recording with students, faculty and staff of Queen’s College as may be required for academic purposes in the absolute discretion of Queen’s College.
Memorial University has a Single E-Mail Policy in effect for all internal communications. While this policy does not affect internal communications at Queen’s College, students are advised that most services at the University, especially security notices, snow clearing and reserve document delivery at Queen’s Elizabeth II Library, require a MUN email address. Queen’s Students are encouraged to apply for and use a MUN email address. The policy can be found at
Students requiring academic accommodation to courses, facilities, or other services, based on an up-to-date documented disability or special need, are responsible for making these known in writing, and in sufficient time to permit the College to make reasonable accommodations to those needs. Such notification along with supporting documentation should be provided either with the application or immediately following admission. Since Queen’s College shares facilities with Memorial University, we follow the policy and protocols of the University (Accessibility for Students with Disabilities, with the exception of Section 3, which can be found at .
Student Support Services and Programs are coordinated through the Director of Student Programs. The Director consults with others within Queen’s College, at MUN, and beyond to determine the most appropriate way to ensure access for students with disabilities.
Attending College can be a stressful time and we encourage you to avail of whatever counselling, health, and wellness support you need.
Please note that Queen’s College does not provide direct medical assistance. Should an emergency arise while on campus, such as heart attacks, strokes, broken limbs, active suicidal thoughts or any other life threatening injuries you should call 911. For off-campus emergencies, you can also dial 911, or if you are able, proceed directly to the nearest hospital emergency room.
Should you need to see a physician, walk-in clinic MAY be available at the Blackmarsh Road Family Care Centre, located in the Blackmarsh Road Dominion Supermarket. Call (709) 576-6555.
Students with urgent mental health concerns should avail of the following community based services:
- 24-hour mental health crisis line: (709) 737-4668 (local) or 1-888-737-4668 (province-wide).
- Mobile Crisis Response Team: 1-888-737-4668 St. John’s Region.
- Psychiatric Assessment Unit: (709) 777-3021 or (709) 777-3022.
- 24 hour Walk-in Crisis Service at the Waterford Hospital Site on Waterford Bridge Rd.
- Health Sciences Emergency Department on Columbus Drive in St. John’s: (709) 777-6335.
Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth
Why Wellness Matters: Maintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely crucial to live a higher quality life. Wellness matters. Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our actions and emotions. It’s an ongoing circle. Therefore, it is important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions.
*Adapted from information available on MUN webpages